


This protocol (interface) defines all the SCRUD (search, create, read, update, and delete) actions for CIMI resources. It also defines convenience functions for authenticating with the server and a function to execute specialized operations on a given resource or collection.

To use the protocol you must instantiate a concrete implementation of the protocol. Synchronous and asynchronous implementations are available in the following namespaces:

  • sixsq.slipstream.client.async
  • sixsq.slipstream.client.sync

and can be created easily via the instance function. Note that the concrete return types will depend on the implementation. The asynchronous implementation, for example, returns core.async channels from all functions.

All functions take an optional options map. All functions support:

  • :insecure? - Will not check the validity of SSL certificates if true. Defaults to false. The option is only effective with the Clojure implementation.

Options for individual functions are noted in the function descriptions. Unknown options for any function are silently ignored.



(add this resource-type data)(add this resource-type data options)

Creates a new CIMI resource of the given type. The data will be converted into a JSON string before being sent to the server. The data must match the schema of the resource type. Returns a map with the status, message, and created resource-id.


(cloud-entry-point this)(cloud-entry-point this options)

Retrieves the cloud entry point from the server. The cloud entry point (CEP) acts as a directory of the available resources within the CIMI server. This function does not require authentication. The result is returned in EDN format. Implementations may cache the cloud entry point to avoid unnecessary requests to the server.


(delete this url-or-id)(delete this url-or-id options)

Deletes the CIMI resource identified by the URL or resource id from the server. Returns a map with a status and message.


(edit this url-or-id data)(edit this url-or-id data options)

Updates an existing CIMI resource identified by the URL or resource id. The data must be the complete, updated data of the resource. Returns the updated resource in EDN format.


(get this url-or-id)(get this url-or-id options)

Reads the CIMI resource identified by the URL or resource id. Returns the resource as EDN data. This function also supports the options:

  • :sse? - If set to true, the function will return an event stream of results. The default is false. Only effective asynchronous implementations.
  • :events - A set of events to accept when SSE is requested. You can select all events by adding :* to the set. By default, only :message events are returned.


(operation this url-or-id operation)(operation this url-or-id operation data)(operation this url-or-id operation data options)

Executes the chosen operation on the resource identified by the url-or-id. The operation must specify the full URI. If the data is provided, then it will be sent as a JSON document as the body of the POST request. The data is passed through to the server without any validity checks. The function will return a map with the results of the function call.